Friday, 11 December 2015

Life Is an Experience

Eighteen years feel like an eternity. When you are twenty, forty sounds ancient. By the time the kids are grown, fifty feels very liberating. Before you know it, there are weddings and baby showers. All the struggle from the past calms down. There are new challenges as we age with health and caring for elderly parents but somehow, we handle it with grace.
I've never had a sister but my childhood friend feels like one. We've gone though many of the same struggles at the same time.
I can hardly wait to pass on what life's experiences have taught me to younger women. The Bible does say for older women to teach the younger women. However, depending on which version you get, this can be helpful or discouraging. I promise, you will not get the pat answer version from me. Our conversations are better one on one and very real.
There were a few wonderful things that other women did for me that I want to pay forward. I don't have money. I do get chatty but I have a good heart and truly care. My words are not those of an official capacity but they are ones straight from life.
To my sisterhood of unmet friends I offer these words of encouragement free of charge. Your life counts. God does not cause bad things to happen but he will turn them around so you can help others if you will let him. The events you didn't think counted on a resume do. Over the course of about twenty to thirty years, when you look back, you will see how what seemed like random occurrences can fit together.
Each of us has had different experiences but we can choose to help another. There will be times when you fall. Some are not able to get back up. You are not forgotten. Those who do rise above can lift the others up.
Here are the random paths in my journey that came together. Take a victim of crime, divorced mom on welfare, fired from being a kindergarten aide for not spelling pumpkin correctly (I know how to spell it now), judged by a few people even though they didn't know I taught Sunday School and sang in the choir and let God do his work.
Take that same young woman, put her through Bible School and college. She wants to be a famous singer but God has other plans. Make her a crisis specialist, teacher, director, speaker and Parole Officer. Figure out how to put it on a resume and the guts to speak her mind in an interview. She raised her kids and guess what, they turned out fine.
Your story will have twists and turns as well. You get to decide how it ends. Grab a cup of tea and let the conversation begin

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